Friday, 21 May 2010

Presentation day 21/5/2010

We met at 10.30-1.30 at Faday wink and we had practice. Everything were perfect.We are ready now to present

Thursday, 20 May 2010

3rd meeting 20/5/2010

Again today 20/5/2010 we had our 3rd meeting at 12.00.

Because of the fact that they were examinations in key-worth building the presentation was done at the library.

We practice our presentation and we checked if we had any weaknesses. Tomorrow is the final day so I decided to have another one meeting for practicing the presentation before the formal one.


Wednesday, 19 May 2010

2nd meeting for presentation 19/5/2010

Today we had our second meeting for the presentation from 11.00 - 1.00

We had finish the whole presentation and we had a practice in Keyworth bulding.We tried to contact Carl but we fail.

However we didnt know if we have to include his part as in the practice we had few minutes to present the presentation and we were just 3 of us.In addition because of the exams we couldn't do as much practice as we wanted to .

Next meeting:
Tomorrow 20/5/2010 we gonna have our 3rd meeting at 11.00 for practicing the presentation at keyworth bulding.


Tuesday, 18 May 2010

1st meeting for Presentation 7/5/2010

On friday 7/5/2010 we had the first meeting for our presentation in N104 Faraday Wink building.We decided what to include in the presentation and we start create the presentation (some basic staff which needed improvement)

Presents :

Thursday, 6 May 2010

Last meeting

last meeting :6/5/10 (12pm-3pm)
Place :Faraday wing

We added the last bits of the team work in one document (final one).Fixed report format and saw if anything else is needed to be compleded or to added.

Team members present:

Everything gone upsolutly perfect.